Players of Vojvodina FC won against the champion from Montenegro, Dečić FC with the result 2:0 in the first control match at the preparations on Zlatibor.

The scorer of both goals was Aleksa Vukanović, in the 40th and 55th minute.

The teams performed in the following lineups:

Vojvodina: Rosić, Butean, Korać, Drobnjak, Đorđević, Petrović, Zukić, Poletanović, Sery, Sukačev, Vukanović. From the 60th minute they were replaced by: Lazarević, Jeličić, Crnomarković, Bukinac, Popović, Giorbelidze, Radulović, Savićević, Campbell and Ivanović.

Dečić: Nikić, Drešaj, Milić, Đelaj, Malešević, Božanović, Čagas, Puleho, Božović, Mašović, Matić, Đuralj.

Vojvodina controlled the game for the major part of the match, so this first control game ended in a routine victory, even though the focus was not on the result.

Aleksa Vukanović was in a good mood today, first in the 40th minute after Sery’s corner, he was in the right position and scored the goal for 1:0.

Then, in the 55th minute, he performed an excellent action, and hit the very angle for 2:0.

Božidar Bandović combined the minutes and the lineup, so in the 60th minute he changed the complete lineup, and it is expected that in the afternoon match against Noah FC from Armenia he will again mix the team and even the minutes of his players.

Until the end of the match, Vojvodina controlled the game and saved the lead, so the preparations began with a triumph, and the coach Božidar Bandović was pleased after the game.

  • I believe that we played a good game, we split the minutes, one team played the first 60 minutes, and the other 30 minutes. We have a difficult week behind us, there were some good things, but also some that we want to improve. I am pleased with all the players, the atmosphere is still excellent, even though we work hard. During the 6-week cycle of preparations, they will certainly experience some crises, but the goal is to be completely ready for the beginning of the next season, and that first match. In the afternoon we are playing another match against Noah FC, a more difficult opponent, but it will be easier to play the game because it won’t be so hot – Bandović said.

He then reflected on the new players in the team.

  • Poletanović, as well as Drobnjak and Popović who returned from their loans, showed quality and character today, and also during the training sessions, as well as Sukačev whom I already know from before. They need some time to achieve good communication, we want to enhance their performance, and they will certainly be helpful in the future. We want to enhance our physical shape, and our game style – Bandović concluded.