Voša’s school of football at Štrand begins tomorrow at 11:00h.

Voša’s school at Štrand will be held during 4 Wednesdays in August, i.e. on 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August, at 11, 14 and 17h. All those who applied can enter for FREE, at the Štrand entrance under the bridge.

The training field is located next to the volleyball court at Štrand.

The youngest football fans, ages 5-12, who want to learn from Voša’s coaches, will be divided into four groups across the field, and both girls and boys are welcome to apply.

The trainings will be two hours long, and the coaches from Voša’s academy will prepare three different training grounds for various football games and exercises.

NOTE: the only mandatory equipment that you should bring to school are sneakers.

You can apply for Voša’s school of football:

Information you should provide in the application form:

  • First name
  • Name of the father/mother of the child
  • Last name
  • Date and place of birth
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Address of residence
  • Name of the kindergarten or school

Also, there are the following questions you should answer to:

– Does the child already play football and in which school?

– Does the child play any other sport?

– What is their favorite club?

– Who is their favorite sportsperson?

NOTE: parents should mark on which Wednesday (9th, 16th, 23rd or 30th August) they would like their children to attend Voša’s summer school of football.