The first match at Karađorđe stadium, after two months of works on the new pitch, will be played on Saturday, September 14th at 6pm, between Vojvodina FC and Železničar FC. The works on the new pitch are in the final phase, and everything is ready for the continuation of the championship at Karađorđe stadium. On that occasion, the director of the stadium, Jelena Kulpinski thanked Football Association of Serbia on their selfless support in the last two months.

– I would especially like to thank the Football Association of Serbia on their enormous support in the previous period. First of all, they gave the finances for Karađorđe stadium to receive the new pitch, and were present during the works, and controls so that everything would go according to the plan. Thanks to FAS, Vojvodina FC received a new pitch with the highest possible standards in the world of football. There are big investments in the infrastructure of the Serbian football, ten clubs received new pitches this summer, which will automatically improve the quality of the domestic championship and the European competitions, and raise it to a higher level. We hope that this trend will continue in the future – Jelena Kulpinski said.

Vojvodina Football Club invites all the fans of the club to come to the stadium on September 14th, see the new pitch and support our Vojvodina in the fight for victory.